February 16, 2016
Wines of Croatia
June 9, 2017? ? ? ? ? ? Throughout history, the Croats often had to fight wars for their independence and their country. Thus, according to legend, more than a thousand years ago, after one of the numerous battles, the Croatian King Dr?islav and the Venetian Doge, Pietro Orseolo, having learned the common passion for the game of Chess, came to an extraordinary idea….to move the battlefield of bloody wars to the Chess game. so they agreed to play three games of chess and the winner will reign over the sea and the islands for which they were at war. The Croatian King defeated the Venetian Doge in a lengthy struggle, full of uncertainty and outwitting.
Thereafter, in gratitude and remembrance of the event, he chose a red and white checkerboard for his coat of arms and the Croatian state has kept it as its symbol until the present day.
This legend symbolizes the desire of the Coats for their freedom and their independent state since its beginning in the seventh century.
Playing this game you take a journey into the past of these ancient people and refresh the memories of beautiful moments spent in Croatia.
LEGENDA O HRVATSKOM GRBU?Jo? od stolje?a sedmog ?Hrvati ?esto su morali voditi ratove za svoju slobodnu i neovisnu dr?avu.
Prema legendi, prije vi?e od tisu?u godina, nakon jedne od mnogih bitaka, na? kralj Stjepan Dr?islav i mleta?ki ?Doge Pietro Orseolo, doznav?i za jedna?ki strast prema ?ahovskoj igri, do?li su na jednu vrlo neobi?nu ideju…da krvave i iscrpluju?e ratove s vojnog polja presele na ?ahovsko polje. dogovorili suseda ?e odigrati tri ?ahovsko partije i onome tko pobijedi, pripast ?e more i otoci za koje su ratovali. U dugo trajnoj borbi, punoj neizbjesnosti ?i nadmudrivanja, Dr?islav je porazio svojega protivnika. U znak ?zahvalnosti i sje?anja na taj doga?aj, on odabire crveno bijelo ?ahovasko polje za grb svoje obitelji i hrvatske drzave, koji se kao njen simbol odr?ao sve do danas..
Igraju?i ovu igru otputujte i bi u na?u daleku pro?lost i osvje?ite sje?anje na kralja Dr?islava i ovu legendu.